To strengthen the relations with these clients and to outreach them as per client’s convenience PTC-Retail has its own dedicated team of Relationship Managers (RM’s). These RM’s are located in various States to look after the respective state clients and attend to their day to day queries/ concerns. . PTC-Retail also has its corporate Retail team in New Delhi including a monitoring cell to cater day-to-day client issues. A 24 X 7 control room strengthen PTC’s service areas for its clients against any operations related issues.
PTC Retail has emerged as one stop solution provider for all its clients right from assisting in their Metering Infrastructure requirement, providing Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency solutions and also providing technical advisory for management of their complete power portfolio. Further, to strengthen the client support and technical advisory, PTC Retail has appointed Ex-officials of State Electricity Boards and other key market experts as consultants to assist PTC’ s Clientele in their technical and other Discom/ State Electricity Board related issues.