Project Financing
Type of Instruments
Fund based
- Term Debt or Project Debt
- Corporate Debt
- Bridge Debt ( Where PFS has sanctioned term debt)
Non-Fund based
- Letter of Comfort (LoC) for opening up of LC or availing Buyer’s Credit (In line with RBI norms), where PFS has sanctioned Term Debt
- Credit Enhancement Scheme
- Standalone Letter of Comfort (LoC) for Bank Guarantee (BG) under Bidding (without any term debt sanction)
- Revolving Facility for financing cost of Plant & Machinery during developmental phase for renewable energy projects
Other services
In line with the vision to become the most preferred financial partner, PFS also provide following services complementing the financial assistance business:
- Lead FI
- Syndicator
- Security Agent
- Facility Agent
- Underwrite debt
- Project Appraiser
- Advisory Services
Debt assistance can be considered for a project in the entire energy value chain and projects in specified infrastructure sector.
Eligible Projects in energy value chain: Projects in Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Lighting, Energy Meters, Switchgears, Switchboards, Transformers, Cables, Fuel Supply, Fuel transportation, Cogeneration plants in various manufacturing entities, Oil and Gas Sector comprising of Gas fields, Refining of Crude Oil, Gasification, Re-gasification, Liquefactions plant, Gas Pipelines, Development of Coal mine, Ports, Energy conservation and other sectors related to infrastructure within the entire energy value chain or any other project which may be approved by the Board of Directors.
Eligible projects in specified infrastructure sector: PFS may consider financing of Infrastructure projects other than eligible projects in the energy value chain in the following peripheral areas:-
- Roads
- Ports – Green field & brownfield ports.
- Infra Logistics Services – Development of Container terminal, Road or Railway line connecting port & hinterland, Railway Sidings, Private Railway Fright Terminals (PFTs) etc.
- Other areas of infrastructure like city water distribution etc.
For more information please visit- www.ptcfinancial.com